Topics: Rights of Railroad workers, verdict, FELA injury, how much is my case worth?, settlements, trials
Former railroad clients should look at that bar chart and say “Marc was right.” Because I came across the graphic above recently and thought to myself, “Finally, I am validated.”
The bar chart represents “The Forgetting Curve” developed through the groundbreaking research of a 19th Century psychologist named Hermann Ebbinghaus. It shows the dramatic rate at which our memories fade after being introduced to new information that isn’t frequently used afterward. Within an hour, you won’t remember half of what you were told. Within a day, two-thirds will have faded. After a week? Forget about it, literally.
Topics: FAQs on the job injuries, Rights of Railroad workers, Basic steps to filing a fela lawsuit, verdict, FELA recovery, FELA injury, settlements, trials
If you’re like most railroad workers, you’ve never had your deposition taken. Depositions are a key component of the legal process. This is where a lot of the surrounding facts concerning your lawsuit will be revealed.
Topics: how to hire a railroad lawyer, Basic steps to filing a fela lawsuit, FELA injury, how to file a claim against railroad, trials
Brian is a 31 year-old LIRR electrician. Or at least he was until a portion of his ring finger on his right hand was severed in an on-the-job accident. He sued the railroad and after less than three days of trial, a jury awarded him almost $2 million for his injury and wage loss.
Topics: LIRR, FELA recovery, lost wages, FELA injury, wage loss calculator, trials, finger injury
How do I calculate the value of my case? How much is my back injury worth? How much can I get for my knee injury?
They're all valid questions I get from railroad workers who get hurt on the job. Unfortunately there isn't one answer. Every injury, every worker, every situation is different. From the severity of your injury to your degree of fault, there are a thousand of variables that will impact the value of your case.
Topics: how much is my case worth?, settlements, trials
Last month I found myself standing at a podium accepting an attorney hall of fame award, and it was a little weird.
Here I was, a lawyer in a room full of lawyers, and no one understood the kind of law I practice or could relate to why I spent so much time in the last year in front of juries.
Topics: Thoughts on the legal industry, trials
Railroad lawyer Marc Wietzke focuses on FELA injury and whistleblower law for railroad workers injured or punished on the job.
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